Model 2012 Xli cont gli Own engine no leakage no any voice in it Best average Only petrol Cplc aclc clear Remaining tax will be paid by owner Documents clear Engine room trunk room original Body rest showered No major accident Front door speakers rear speaker Original panel Ac working Suspension good Location bufferzone near sareena mobile market Contact: 0-3-1-5-2-9-2-2-8-3-7 Bring mechanic along with you while visiting time is precious.
Seller's Comments
Xli cont gli
Own engine no leakage no any voice in it
Best average
Only petrol
Cplc aclc clear
Remaining tax will be paid by owner
Documents clear
Engine room trunk room original
Body rest showered
No major accident
Front door speakers rear speaker
Original panel
Ac working
Suspension good
Location bufferzone near sareena mobile market
Contact: 0-3-1-5-2-9-2-2-8-3-7
Bring mechanic along with you while visiting time is precious.